LifeCollege Living

Understanding, Planning, Enjoying Life, Family, Freedom, Happiness & Health

The concept of GLIP - where the world is what you want it to be...

This is the greatest opportunity of your life and it is never too early or too late to get the best from it!

  • Experience the vital energy that great planning and 'LifeKnowledge' releases in your life.
  • Know how to make it really work for you.
  • Stop the opportunities happening too fast - slow them to enjoy them!
  • Visioning, planning, enjoying - setting out to create and fulfil your happiness destiny.
Work with us in person, by telephone and through email, Skype and web to ensure that your life is the very best that it ever could be for you.

The concept of GLIP - do these statements attract....“By being in the now, we are the future in creation”

“Because we are consciousness we are all for all time”

“In being consciousness, on the other side of awareness, being, meditation,
mindfulness we are simultainiously one with all and all”

“All is you: You are all”

Being all is being everything as one here, now and for all time”

“One is un-separated, non-competitive, gap-free, non-possessive, seeking nothing,
ego-free, fully responsible – a beautiful wholeness in sharing”

“one=all – there is only wholeness, oneness, allness and being as part of all”

“One:All – that place of being where language is redundant…a squirrel, a decoy,
a mist in which to wander, a place to be lost, where ‘just knowing’ just is”

“Through consciousness we share – thoughts, feelings, ideas, actions for all
time and energy”

“Consciousness is to exist in experience here now for all time”

“Conscious companies, governments, communities, teams, products, services,

“GLIP – One with friendship, happiness, fun, courage, adventure, love, being,

“Always One with the now moment of possibility, the moment when all is possible,
the moment of pure energy of creation…”

For more information on Life Courses - contact us

We also offer the Certificate in the Achievement of Happiness
and Fulfilment in Life

To start try one of our two hour workshops on achieving happiness

Assessment - at the end a course of four sessions,  course you will have:
  • • A personal working definition of happiness
  • • Have worked with others to understand alternatives
  • • Have a plan for achieving you own
  • • Have made three moves along that plan
  • • Have identified your blocks
  • • Have a plan for avoiding blocks
  • • Looked at world happiness

Other opportunities.....
• Happiness Trainers' Course
• Certificates in Happiness Training

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At we also offer the materials, ideas and guidance to decide and fulfill dreams. Call it coaching, mentoring, guidance, counselling, training - it means the same - "outcomes": a great confidence that you are living your life as well as you want to live it, full of all that matters - great happiness, great friendships, great inspiration and great rewards.

Albert Einstein
“A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.”

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